Dr. Jessica Jay

Heilbronn Research Fellow, 

School of Mathematics ,

University of Bristol.

jessica.jay (at) bristol.ac.uk

About me

I am currently a Heilbronn Research Fellow in Probability at the University of Bristol. In September of this year I will be starting as a Lecturer of Mathematics at Lancaster University. My main area of research is in interacting particle systems and exploring their links to other areas of mathematics such as combinatorics and algebra. 

In 2023 I was awarded my PhD from the University of Bristol under the supervision of Dr Márton Balázs. My thesis, "Blocking Measures for Interacting Particle Systems", focuses on the blocking family of particle systems and using the stationary measures for such processes to give probabilistic proofs for combinatorial identities as well studying the behaviour of second class particles under blocking measures.

Currently, I co-organise the University of Bristol probability seminar with Elnur Emrah